The Lone Businessman: Solo Business Travelers

Traveling is a constant in the life of a businessman or a corporate worker. Be it for an important meeting or an expansion into a potential market, traveling due to work related reasons is an essential part of the job/business. And with the hectic schedule and a whole host of things on their minds, they overlook proper preparation for a trip and may be careless during the trip as well (not in their business dealings, but in safety measures). While it’s important you’re focused on your work, your own safety should not be overlooked. Below are some useful tips for Solo Business Travelers which will ensure they travel safely.

Political Turmoil

All spots in the world are not peaceful, some are politically unstable whereas others are embroiled in civil war. One should definitely be aware of the political situation in the country they intend to visit. Ask your travel management company and they will offer you information as well as advice.

Extra Caution

Extra Caution
Avoid potentially unsafe (and often illegal) local taxis by pre-booking transport to and from the airport, this is especially for countries you know have a reputation for being unsafe. Also even in countries who are reputedly very secure be sure to avoid areas which are known to be dangerous – every place has them. Business travelers often travel alone and can be an easy target for thieves – avoid carrying unnecessary large amounts of cash and extra electronic devices. Avoid long waits in terminals and lobbies as thefts are not uncommon in these areas.

When In Rome

Each country’s customs and culture are different, make sure you do not dress or behave in a way that is offensive to the local population. You do not need the unnecessary hostility and furthermore this will make you stand out perhaps making you an easy target for the stray thief. In order to blend in more, try to dress like the locals, and carry a local newspaper with you. Some thieves target unwitting tourists especially and if you’re not conspicuous you cannot be a target.

Electronic Safety

Solo Business Travelers
While the physical world may be unsafe, the virtual world is no less dangerous. Be sure you have installed the relevant antivirus, spyware and other security software on your laptop and mobile devices before you leave for your trip. The Wi-Fi – especially in public places – cannot be trusted. Be sure to make a backup of all the important files and documents you have. Hotel bookings, your passport, tickets all must be scanned and mailed to yourself. If you lose any of these at least you will these copies as backups.

It’s important to get make sure those business meetings go smoothly but it’s just as important to look after your own safety. If you follow these tips for Solo Business Travelers, you can stay safe.

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